
DataView is a powerful, easy to use data analysis tool geared for semiconductor test data. DataView allows product and test engineers to quickly open large files and visualize their test data. Create high-quality charts, tables, and graphs in several standard output formats. Easily assemble reports using Report Builder and save as PDF or Excel. Powerful analysis techniques allow for quick and easy performance, correlation, and characterization reports. Save your setup, reports, and analysis steps as a Session and quickly return to your processing or apply to new, similar data.
Additional Resources
User Manual
License Server (for floating licenses)
Input Formats
DataView quickly and efficiently reads several ATE industry standard data formats, such as STDF, ATDF, NI-CSV, Generic CSV and WAT, as well as Zipped and GZipped (compressed) versions of these files. Open any text file using the Generic Data Import tool or extract data from most common relational databases (Postgres, MySQL, SQLite, etc). Open and merge data from multiple sources, even merge files of different types. Load or relink to previous Sessions to instantly resume processing without parsing.
Charts, Graphs and Reports
Generating informative, useful graphs is easy with DataView. Create histograms, box plots, density curves and more using the HistoView tab. Plot tests relative to time, order, site, and more with TrendView. BinView makes analyzing and reporting yield issues a breeze with custom bin paretos, wafer maps, and lot maps. Build spreadsheets with test information, statistics, and custom analysis tables in TableView. Organize, format, and edit your final report in ReportView.
Analysis Capabilities
DataView automatically calculates many standard, useful descriptive statistics and presents them in easy to understand tables and graphs. Several additional analysis capabilities are at your disposal, such as Test Limit Analysis, Test Time Analysis, Gage R&R and more. Quickly process correlation and characterization data using the DataSet and Test Comparison functionality. Save your analysis Sessions and use them again and again on similar sets of data.
Configure your data analysis processing just the way you want it and save a Session in DataView. Then, open the Session to quickly return to where you left off. Use the same Session file to Overlay your preferred settings, graphs, charts, and reports on to new data files. Quickly generate your production reports with data hot off the tester. Use the Session file as a collection of interesting settings, charts, and analysis routines. Overlay multiple Sessions to accumulate the settings from different processing scenarios.
Ease of Use
DataView?s intuitive interface makes getting up to speed easy. Generate quality graphs and reports in minutes with no training. DataView was made for experimentation and exploration. Click this, select that, move this, add that ? customize your graphs the way you want them and save the settings for later. Filter, process, and analyze your data using easy-to-understand graphical interfaces.