
VectorPro is a powerful test development tool for generating cyclized ATE test vectors in either WGL or STIL formats. This versatile and easy to use tool reads in both VCD and EVCD formatted design simulations, and using the feature rich GUI, users are able to view and modify the simulation to fit the needs of their test environment. VectorPro supports multiple timesets, event conditioning, histograms of signal edges, automated timing generation and batch mode operation. In addition, the waveform viewer allows users to easily navigate across simulations to find areas of interest.
The main VectorPro window contains the key ?Action? buttons used to control the conversion steps, from parsing the simulation files into the events database, to dumping your output cyclized vectors to WGL or STIL formatted files. Use the ?Session Editor? to create new or open existing sessions, select the simulation files, set signal parameters, set global session variables, and also set output formatting options. The versatile graphical interface is easy to use and includes short-cut key support.
The VectorPro ?Timing Editor? is a multi-functional interface designed to create or edit signal ?Edgesets?, or pattern ?Timesets?. The timing system operates using traditional ?Format? timing shapes (NR, RL, RH, etc?) or in our exclusive ?Binning? mode, which allows users to create complicated waveshapes with as many as 8 drive or receive edges. The editor has viewing/matching modes using edgesets only, or the more traditional timeset mode.
VectorPro contains a rich set of ?Conditioners? that allows users to manipulate the simulation in order to produce a usable pattern on the ATE system. The list of conditioners gives users? the ability to mask signals, remove artifacts, align bus transitions, map events, and more. Multiple conditioners can be ran on each signal with the ability to step through each one individually if desired. In addition, users? can undo/redo the changes done by each conditioner using the graphical interface.
The histogram functionality of VectorPro is a very powerful tool that is primarily used to automatically generate ?EdgeSets? for the users. It will also show users when simulations are ?free-running? or have multiple clock domains. Using the Histogram tool, one can also manually view the histograms and save them in ascii or graphical format.
Waveform Viewer
The VectorPro waveform viewer is a powerful feature that allow users to debug simulations much more quickly. With the ability to search across multiple signals for states or transition changes, the viewer makes it easy to get your patterns cyclized in no time. In addition, it has the ability to view simulation comments, tag bookmarks, reorder signals, and lastly, to group or ungroup busses.