Analyze Limits?? Select the tests of interest, the type of analysis, and display formats.??The results are presented in?TableView.
DataSet?to?DataSet?Comparison?? Compare statistics for?DataSets.??Select the tests of interest, choose the comparison?DataSets, set the Analysis Type, and Display properties.
DataSet?to?DataSet?Comparison?? Color coded?DataSets?report showing the Means for each tests and site, compared to every other site?DataSets, sorted largest variation to smallest.
Bin?Paretos?? View bin percentages and?paretos?for Soft Bins, Hard Bins, Failed Tests, and Test Values.
Wafer Maps?? View your manufacturing process with?DataView?s?wafer Heat maps.??View standard deviation gradients and histograms right on the wafer (Test Values Shown)
Composite Maps?? Stack several wafers and view binning across multiple wafers.
Histogram Heat Map ??Visualize histograms across your wafers and lot maps (wafer Y?coordsshown).
Bin?Paretos?by Site ??Look at soft bins, hard bins, first failures, and test values in?pareto?form, across any?DataSet.
Zoom in on Bins ??Double click any bin?pareto?to quickly jump to the corresponding set of records.
Lot Map of Soft Bins ??View binning, failures, and test values relative to site testing.
Lot Map showing Variance from Mean ??The color gradient represents distance, in standard deviations, from the mean.
Adjacent Histogram Graph Style?? Four sites are shown, each histogram bin has four different colored rectangles representing each of the sites.
Stacked Histogram Graph Style ??Each histogram bin contains a different colored rectangle stacked, one for each of 16 sites shown.
Histogram and Stats Table ??A single test displaying the default ?All Records??DataSet?with no outliers removed.
Individual Histogram Graph Style ??Display a histogram for each selected?DataSet?across multiple tests, shown in a ?Tile x 2? layout.
Individual Histograms with Overlay Layout ??Multiple individual?DataSet?histograms displayed using the Overlay setting.
HistoView with CDF and Boxplots ??Histograms are disabled and CDF (Cumulative Density Function) curves and boxplots are enabled.
HistoView displaying Multiple Tests ??Select and display multiple tests at the same time in HistoView.
ProcessView???View and configure high-level data file processing information.
RecordView???Select and edit records by file, bin, site,?DataSet?and more using?RecordView.
RecordView?Excluded Devices ??Remove device records from all processing and analysis in?RecordView.
Merge multiple Files of Different Types ??Select and open new files at any time of any format and merge with the existing records.
RecordView?display Records by Bin ??Select a bin and immediately have access to all test records from that bin.
RecordView?and Multiple Files ??Manage your data records by file using?RecordView.
Report Builder in?ReportView??Select the report type, tests of interest, and types of charts and graphs and quickly build your custom report using Report Builder.
ReportView?with Report Items ??Double-click on a Report Item in?ReportView?to quickly return to the view and settings for that item.
Individual Graph Style in?ScatterView???Display instances of the dependent variable to many different independent variables.
Stacked Graph Style in?ScatternView???Show multiple instances of the dependent to different independent variables on the same graph.
Zoom in to Values?ScatternView???Set the graph X and Y axes to zoom to the min and max values for each dependent and independent variable.
ScatterView?with Stats Table ??look at all stats on every view using the optional Table setting.
Statistics View in?TableView???Customize the selection of statistics and view across any combination of records and devices.
Raw Data Record in?TableView???Quickly?jump?to any record or set of records and view the actual test data in?TableView.
Test View in?TableView???View all test information such as test number, name, type, limits, and more using the Test View in?TableView.
Multiple Tests in?TrendView???Select and view several tests at the same time in?TrendView.
Individual Graph Style in?TrendView???Select from many different?layout?styles and view multiple?DataSets?and tests using?TrendView.